9:00am-3:00pm SLT
11:00am-5:00pm Central
(SLT=Second Life Time)
InfoIsland in Second Life is hosting a virtual college fair this weekend. Kirkwood will have a booth there to showcase Distance Learning and point people to the developing Kirkwood island. Attached you will find a JPG of the booth. : )
10:00 am SLT (12:00 pm Central)
Stone Semyorka (Anthony Curtis from University of North Carolina at Pembroke)
“Why educators use Second Life”
11:00 am SLT (1:00 pm Central)
Sage Duncan (Stacey Fox from University of Kansas)
“Convergent media studies for Visual and Performing Arts Students”
12:00 pm SLT
Robby Kowalski (Robby Dittmann from Darton College)
“Common Myths About Online Education”
1:00 pm SLT
Vic Michalak (Phillip Youngblood from University of the Incarnate Word)
“Teaching international courses in Second Life”
Penn State
University of Florida
University of Kansas – Art Department
Berkeley College
Georgia State University
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, College of Nursing
Ohio State University
...and (as they say) many others
If you need an avatar:
If you would like to attend the event on Sunday, you will need to sign up for a FREE Second Life account at www.secondlife.com (if you don’t already have one). Feel free to stop by KCELT tomorrow for our Second Life and Lunch meeting from 12-12:50pm and we can help you sign up. It’s easy.
If you have an avatar:
If you already have an avatar, simply log into Second Life and then copy and paste this Slurl into your web browser. It will open up a sceen that shows the location. Click the “teleport now” button and you will be given a teleport in Second Life to use.
Here’s the Slurl:
I hope to see you there!
Kit Umscheid (KitUmscheid Writer in Second Life)
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